Production Design/Editing/Visual Effects/More


Who Am I???

Hello! My name is Grace Wagner. I'm a film graduate from Colorado who loves production design and editing. Ever since I was a child I was deeply enamored with art and film. I've been working with programs in the Adobe Suite ever since high school, but my love for editing started many years earlier. Even in elementary school I was working with editing programs to try and make the stories I had always imagined. 

My love for production design also began as a child. I would always design and create characters, sets, and other aspects of my stories to try to create the universes I wanted to write about. In my college years I was able to delve more into the production design aspect of filmmaking and help as many films as I was able.  

Some Behind the Scenes Footage

What I Do

Art Department Roles 

Video Editing

Editing Visual Effects

Production Assistant